Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Dress Up for Week of Respect - October 1st - October 5th

The week beginning the first Monday in October is recognized as the Week of Respect in New Jersey schools. Iselin Middle School is excited to observe this week by providing our students with age-appropriate activities that focus on character building and bullying prevention, throughout the month of October. In addition to classroom activities, the Week of Respect will include special dress up days.  Please take the time to speak with your child about respecting themselves and others. Thank you in advance for your participation and support!

October 1st – October 5th

Monday, October 1st : Turn Our Back on Bullies
At Iselin Middle School, we do not tolerate bullying. Today, let’s wear Blue JEANS to Kick off the Week of Respect and turn our backs on Bullies!

Tuesday, October 2nd: Be A Buddy Not a Bully
Iselin Middle School is a NO BULLY ZONE. Let’s wear Red today to show we want bullying to Stop!

Wednesday, October 3rd: Bullies and I Don’t Mix
Bystanders should never side with the bully or encourage the bully. Let’s wear mix-matched clothes today to let bullies know that we don’t want to be on their side!

Thursday, October 4th: Put A Cap on Bullying
Bystanders and victims can stop bullying by reporting it to a trusted adult. Let’s wear caps (hats) today in school to put a cap on bullying!

Friday, October 5th: Team Up Against Bullying
Combating against bullying is a team effort. Let’s wear IMS spiritwear (t-shirt, sweatshirt, etc.), your favorite team shirt or jersey today to show how important it is for bystanders and victims to stick together to stop bullying.